We gladly accept International Orders. However there are things you should be aware of if you are purchasing from outside the United States.
Customs Clearance
We ship International Orders using USPS or FedEx. The expected delivery times are just that, estimated. It might be faster, slower depending on customs clearance. We have no control over your country's customs department. So, in brief, we are not responsible for delays in customs clearance. That being said, we have a successful record of shipping to the following countries: Singapore, Japan, Thailand, Korea, China, India, European countries, and of course Canada. If your country is not in the list and would like to try, please feel free to do so.
Duties & Taxes
You as a buyer is responsible for customs clearance and duties and taxes (if any). However, we are willing to help you with any special instructions required for smooth customs clearance on declaration page if you so desired. Please make clear in the order notes while placing an order.
Shipping rates
For our excellent rates on shipping, Please refer to shipping page
Risk of Loss of shipment
All items purchased from FashFire are made pursuant to a shipment contract. This means that ownership and risk of loss and title for such items pass to you upon our delivery to the carrier (USPS/FedEx etc.)