FashFire.com accepts several methods of payments. Regardless of which method you use, we gurantee that all trasactions you make at our site are 100% secure.
Credit Cards
FashFire.com accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Diners Club and American Express cards. We gurantee that all the transactions processed through FashFire.com are 100% secured. We use latest technology encryption methods during the your order and our servers are secured using multiple firewalls. All your payment information is encrypted before transmitting to our servers, during and after the checkout process.

Paypal as you know is a leader in online payments that allow funds transfers between persons to person or persons to business like ourselves. We are product to be PayPal Verified©.

Google Checkout®
We partnered with Google to offer Google Checkout. Google checkout allows you to quickly check out and pay using your Google account. To learn more about checkout service from Google, please visit "checkout.google.com"